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Landslides kill in Brazil

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RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL—Landslides just north of Rio de Janeiro have killed at least twenty seven people, sources say. The landslides have been the cause of heavy rains, and hit the city of Petropolis, after a river burst it’s banks and flooded the city.

President Dilma Rousseff states the need for more drastic measures in order to evacuate people living in the areas, especially for those who continuously ignore the warnings.

“Our prevention system warns the people.” Rousseff told the Brazilian media. “What I think is that a little more drastic measures will have to be taken so people don’t stay where they are not supposed to be.”

An emergency task force has been sent to the region to help out local authorities, who state that some areas have had as much as 300mm of rain in 24 hours. The normal monthly average is 270mm.

At least 50 people have lost their homes.

This is not an isolated incident. In 2011, 900 people were killed in a landslide incident in the city of Petropolis.

Authority’s promises to invest in preventative measures were not fully implemented. The city currently remains on high alert, and further heavy rain is expected in the area.

Source: BBC

Image: BBC

20 March 2013

09:45am PDT

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